The Origin of ANUK

At ANUK, a name stands for a story that goes deeper – a name that honors our connection to the extraordinary landscapes of New Zealand and our commitment to true quality. As we embark on a new journey, our roots and values remain deeply anchored in the pure nature that makes our Manuka honey so special.

Our honey now bears the name ANUK. Yet, while our name has changed, our promise remains the same: We are still committed to your high standards and offer you the finest honey that nature can provide. We value your trust and are excited to have you with us on this thrilling new path.

A Magic Moment

It all started in September 2013 in a small New York studio apartment. We just returned from a long trip from Chiang Mai, Thailand. Autumn had announced itself, the afternoon sun hung low over the East Village, bathing 1st Street and 1st Avenue in a warm glow. With luggage in hand and a large trekking backpack on our backs, we entered our friend Shawn’s apartment – and stopped in surprise in the doorway. Amazing things were happening before our eyes: the sun was shining through the windows, illuminating a large, crystal glass jar that stood on the kitchen table and enveloped the entire room in a luminous, golden-yellow pattern. What was in that jar?

An exceptional gift

The glass was filled with an amber, creamy mass that became even more radiant in the glow of the sun: honey. But what a one: 25 full kilograms! Where on earth did they get so much honey in New York? And who came up with the idea of bottling such a quantity? It turned out that Shawn’s father had started beekeeping four years ago and had been sending his son home a jar of honey like this regularly ever since. What an extraordinary gift! And as we squinted into the golden light, a thought began to mature.

On the trail of honey

In the spring of 2014, just a few months after the enlightening experience in Shawn’s apartment, we embarked on the journey again. We joined an organic apiary in Germany. Driven by inquisitiveness and joy in the newly discovered profession, we decided to continue a training even during the winter months. We traveled to New Zealand to learn even more about honey and bees during the summer there. Here we got to know not only the unique honey from the blossom of the native Manuka tree, but also the beekeeper Phil Vercoe. Shoulder to shoulder, we worked together for weeks. And again it was a friendship that gave the impulse to take the next step. Because thanks to Phil’s support, we were able to import Manuka honey to Germany in our second beekeeping season in New Zealand.

The origin

Over the work of several seasons, we built a network of beekeepers in New Zealand. When my good friend, Bennet, joined the business idea, the venture ANUK Honey was born, which specializes in the selection of Manuka honey

We purchase the honey directly, take care of all aspects of transportation, and distribute this honey under our brand ANUK Honey. We always want to be able to trace where our honey comes from. Only in this way are we able to vouch for quality with confidence and live up to the promise of Pure Raw Honey and Manuka.

From Beginner to

Discover our Lovers & Advanced Manuka Honeys

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From Beginner to

Discover our Lovers & Advanced
Manuka Honeys

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